
Gilmour Academy has a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) computing model in order to facilitate the development of a forward-thinking learning environment that fully leverages digital resources. Our faculty and staff are dedicated to finding creative ways to enhance learning at every grade level. The program allows Gilmour students to choose the devices with which they are most comfortable and encourages them to become adept and responsible users of technology so that they maximize the opportunities for enhanced learning.
All students in Grades 7-12 are expected to have their own devices in class each day. Students in the Lower School continue to participate in the iPad program in Grades 1-2 and the 1:1 laptop program in Grades 3-6.

Acceptable Devices

  • Gilmour supports PC and Mac computers
  • All devices are acceptable except iPads, iPad Pros or Chromebooks

Recommended Coverage for Student Computers

  • Extended warranty
  • Accidental damage coverage
  • Loss/Theft coverage

Software for Students

  • Gilmour provides MS Office to all students
  • Gilmour provides Adobe products to students who take classes that require this software