Welcome To Our Lady Chapel

Our Lady Chapel, located at the heart of the Gilmour Academy campus, anchors the Gilmour Academy community in the Holy Cross tenets of building family and embracing diversity. Students in grades 7-12 gather in the chapel weekday mornings for Convocation and prayer, and Catholic Mass is observed daily.

Our Lady Chapel was gifted to Gilmour Academy in 1995 by manufacturer, philanthropist and longtime Hunting Valley resident Fred Lennon and has been led by Father John Blazek ‘58, C.S.C. since its founding. The chapel also contains a Vatican treasure—originally called Our Lady of Vladimir and rechristened to Our Lady of Gilmour—gifted and blessed by Pope John Paul II.

We extend an invitation to worship to Gilmour Academy families past and present and to the community at large.

Contact Us

Our Lady Chapel
34001 Cedar Road
Gates Mills, OH 44040
(440) 473-3560; blazekj@gilmour.org

Chapel is located in the Upper School, directly across from the Athletic Center rear exit.

Mass Schedule

Saturdays, 5 p.m.
Sundays, 10 a.m.
Sunday Mass is is both in-person on campus and livestreamed on gilmour.org/olc and on Facebook at Our Lady Chapel at Gilmour Academy.
Daily Weekday Masses
Please check with the office on a daily basis for the Weekday Mass schedule (440-473-3560).