News Detail

Introduction from LSPO President Nicole Malanaphy

What motivated you to take on this role?
It is my absolute honor and pleasure to be in the role of the Lower School Parent Organization President. Years ago, I started volunteering at the Lower School and I was very fortunate to be given the opportunity to become involved with the board. I absolutely love being able to help organize so many incredible events at the Lower School.  During the pandemic, we were limited in what we could do as a board and as a community. When restrictions were lifted and we were able to bring back some of our traditional events and create some new ones, I felt elated to be a part of it. I'm so fortunate to be able to spend time on the campus getting to know our teachers, staff, faculty and, of course, our children who are truly the heart of this community. To see the smiles on their faces and know in some way I have been able to be a part of their school year is a privilege I don't take for granted. Gilmour has been an academic home to my children since they were toddlers and has given our family so much. I am happy to now be able to give back in any way that I can. It gives me a deep sense of fulfillment to be able to help raise funds for the school building, the children's field trips, teachers' classrooms and so much more. Perhaps the biggest motivation for me was to be able to spend as much time as possible in the school and actively see my children thriving in their academic journey at Gilmour Academy Lower School.  

In this role, what are you looking to accomplish this school year?
During this school year, we want to continue the amazing events we have been working hard to bring to our community. These include Trunk or Treat, the Book Fair, Santa's Workshop, Christmas Family Gathering, parent coffees, the Spring Carnival and more! My goal is to make every family feel a sense of connection to the Gilmour community.  I want every parent to know that they are already a part of the Lower School Parent Organization and that we value each and every member within this organization. We would like to increase parent involvement within the Lower School because I truly feel that team work makes the dream work. My ultimate dream is for our children, teachers and parents collectively to feel a deep sense of support, fulfillment, unity and connection among our Lower School community and Gilmour Academy as a whole. I want parents to feel a sense of family within the Gilmour community that begins at the Lower School, but expands to the entire campus, including the Nature-Based Learning Center, the Middle School,  the Upper School, the athletic department, The Lorraine and Bill Dodero Center for Performing Arts, Our Lady Chapel and all the integral pieces and parts that make Gilmour Academy so incredibly special.   

What would you like to say to your board concerning the upcoming school year?
I would like to say to the board that I deeply appreciate each of you so generously giving your time and energy to this organization. I value all of your ideas, opinions, creativity and thoughtfulness as we work together this year. You each bring something special and unique to the table and I'm so excited to work with each of you. I'm truly looking forward to a wonderful year together. Thank you!

What would you like to say to any parents who are thinking of volunteering with the LSPO?
To any parent who is considering volunteering with the Lower School Parent Organization, please know we are so grateful and we would love to have you! As a volunteer, you get to be an integral part of this community to help ensure the success of these events that we have all grown to know and love. These events are made possible by the help of many hands and we welcome you with open arms and grateful hearts. You truly get to know other parents within the community and create deeper ties and relationships. As an added bonus, the children absolutely love to see their loved ones at the school and to see their excited smiles is such a priceless reward.  
An independent, Catholic, coed, day and boarding school in the Holy Cross tradition. Toddler-Grade 12.