Event Detail

Lil' Sibs Day

For current families, with younger children in Grades 6 or 7 (at Gilmour or another school), this is an opportunity for these little sibs to spend time here on our Upper School campus with their older sibling and get a sneak peek at the school.
The day will start at 11 a.m. The sibs will join their older brother or sister for Community Block, lunch, a few of their classes and a pep rally featuring our faculty vs. students basketball game. Again, this is designed only for the younger siblings of current Upper School Lancers.
Additionally, for those with a seventh grader interested in applying for Grade 9 for the 2024-2025 school year, we will be hosting our Get the Scoop! event on Tuesday, May 16.
An independent, Catholic, coed, day and boarding school in the Holy Cross tradition. Toddler-Grade 12.