
VECTOR Seniors Present Capstone Projects

The 17 seniors in the VECTOR program presented their VECTOR Capstone projects as the culmination of their work. The Capstone is an in-depth research, creative, entrepreneurial, academic or career endeavor that is a continuation of the VECTOR path the student has been exploring through VECTOR. View photos from the presentations here.
Below are recaps of each student’s Capstone project:
Liam Colaluca ’24 completed an internship with Riverside Company, a private equity and recapitalization firm.
Lauren DiMenna ’24 wrote a story and created a short animation sequence about a mermaid that finds a spyglass and explores her world.
Julia Gainar ’24 shadowed two separate female chiropractic business owners and did a deep dive on the similarities and differences in the way a business can be run.
Ellie Goff ’24 spent a full shift with a surgical nurse, during which she was in the surgery suite and saw all of the behind-the-scenes work as well. 
Brayden Green ’24 completed an oral history project on the digital access divide and looked at how it played a role, particularly, during COVID.
Nick Hayslip ’24 shadowed at Q-Lab Corporation, where he got to see many aspects of their business. He learned a great deal about the accelerated process of weathering they use on materials from a variety of companies in order to test their durability.
Gia Hilal ’24 shadowed several dentists who were preparing for trips to do pro bono work in Belize and other places.  
Hailey Kulawiak ’24 is currently choreographing the tap number for Gilmour’s school musical, Shrek, learning about how best to teach steps and choreography to students with a range of experience.
Cedric Li ’24 designed and built most of a custom-made keyboard, DAMM-V1, primarily using Sears ThinkBox. He learned many new welding skills in the process and completed it all under his business, Merkel Industries.
JP Loeser ’24 shadowed at the Lyndhurst Municipal Courts. Working alongside a host of people at the courts, he looked at specific cases and learned the legal process of cases from start to finish.
Michael Piccirillo ’24 worked with Fastinni, where he had the opportunity to code for a website and a web server, learned how to set up good code and manage dependencies.
Lily Prebul ’24 wrote a children's book, The Magical Mandelbrot, using AI and fractal math to make complex, hard-to-digest content more accessible and to pique children's interest.
Jillian Robida ’24 completed a shadow experience at Marcus Thomas, one of the country’s fastest-growing independent advertising agencies. She explored the various facets of marketing there and learned how powerful a tool it is.
Gia Rosko ’24 shadowed at agraTronix, a female-owned company and learned about "the leading manufacturer-supplier of digital hay, grain and wood moisture sensing instrumentation."
Lilly Russo ’24 conducted a full research project on sleep issues. She examined many aspects of the topic and even examined the differences between gender in treatment and diagnosis.
Edward Turk ’24 wrote a storyline and developed a video game from start to finish. Through the game, he explores themes of morality and character, in a "dope" way!
Rain Wilson ’24 shadowed and met with female business owners and then created a logo and marketing materials and set price points for the business she has created, Rain or Shine Nail Salon.
Congratulations to each of these students on their successful completion of the VECTOR program!